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Lone Developers

Let me cut to the chase: I’ve noticed that when a single developer builds something, it often becomes a challenge for others to maintain it later. Even the most brilliant programmers can’t seem to avoid this pitfall!

Now, I have to admit this is based on my personal experience, so it might not hold true for everyone or every situation. But let’s dive in:

It’s not uncommon for software projects to be built by a sole developer, be it an entire product or just a significant chunk of a system.

In such cases, I’ve observed that the code written by this lone developer tends to be difficult for others to work with. Sure, it must have made perfect sense to the author (who I have no doubt is incredibly smart), but to me… it’s like deciphering hieroglyphics!

I’m not claiming to be a programming prodigy, but I notice this happening in my own work as well. I look back at code I wrote a year ago and often find myself scratching my head, wondering what on earth I was thinking.

So I’ve dubbed this phenomenon the “lone developer problem”.

What causes this, anyway?

I can’t say for certain, but I have a few hunches:

  • When a single programmer comprehends all the components, they can connect them in ways that make sense only to them. To the author, it’s a beautifully integrated system, but to a future reader, it’s a tangled mess of spaghetti code.
  • Solo projects often come with different priorities. Small projects might be frantically chasing their first ten users, while larger teams might be focused on capturing their next million. Code quality tends to take a back seat during the “scramble” phase.
  • Code review is a valuable tool for catching bugs and design issues, but it’s not something a lone programmer can easily carry out.
  • Similarly, it’s easier to concoct bad ideas when you don’t have to justify them to anyone. And without someone else around, you’ll never have the chance to borrow their great ideas!

These are just a few educated guesses, and there could be other factors at play.

How do we tackle this problem?

The immediate solution that comes to mind is to involve another developer. Have them review your code or collaborate with you in a pair programming setup.

If that’s not an option, consider open-sourcing your code. The very act of making it public might be enough to keep you on your toes and steer clear of these traps.

But here’s a thought: maybe you don’t actually need to address this issue. Not every piece of code has to be a masterpiece! For instance, focusing on code quality during a hackathon would be a misallocation of resources. (That said, you’ll probably want to improve your code sooner than you think.)

So there you have it: my perspective on the lone developer problem, based entirely on anecdotal evidence. Your experience might be utterly different. But who knows? Perhaps you, too, have encountered this solitary coding conundrum.