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This post is more than 5 years old. It may be out of date — read and use with care.

So I recently hit the big 3-0 and I felt like it was a good opportunity to reflect on what I’ve learned so far. Consider this a prompt for self-reflection, not advice or a guidebook.

About Owning Your Opinion

It wasn’t until recently that I really started forming my own opinions about things happening in the world, or not happening. Before that, I just went with the flow, no questions asked. But now, I see the importance of having a stance on the world, it keeps you curious and pushes you to learn and understand more. To form an opinion, you need to challenge what’s already out there and that’s how you keep growing and developing. So, always keep an open mind and never stop questioning.

About Open and Closed Minds

Closed-minded individuals stick to their beliefs without ever considering the opinions of others. Meanwhile, the open-minded not only respect different opinions, but actively seek them out to broaden their perspectives. Don’t let your mind become a locked fortress, keep the gates open and let new ideas flow in.

About Family and Friends

Family and friends are everything. As you get older, you’ll come to appreciate this more and more. Some friends will come and go, but the ones that stick around, hold on tight. They keep you grounded and bring balance to your life.

About Learning

Keep learning, always. School is just the starting point. If you’re in school now, don’t just focus on your favorite subjects, learn everything. I used to think I only needed to know computer science and math because I wanted to be a programmer, but looking back I see how much I need history, geography, and biology in my daily life. It’s better to have a diverse range of knowledge rather than being an expert in just a few areas.

About Making Decisions

Life is full of important decisions, and it’s crucial to have the tools to make good ones. To do this, you need to consider multiple angles and understand the interconnectedness of things. The more you know about how the world works, the easier it is to make sound decisions.

About Work

We spend a significant portion of our lives working, so it’s important to choose a career that you love. If you want to succeed, it has to be a passion. If you don’t love it, what will motivate you to keep pushing through tough times? Your resources are limited, so choose wisely where you want to invest them.

About Faith in Yourself

Believing in yourself is key to getting others to believe in you. Much of life’s success comes down to how well you can sell your ideas and beliefs to others. So, live by the values that matter most to you and have faith in yourself.

About the People Around You

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely. Surround yourself with those who believe in you, celebrate your successes, understand you, listen to you, and inspire you.

About Judgments

Never judge someone before you know their story.

About Listening

Learn to listen and not interrupt. People appreciate those who take the time to hear them out. The saying goes, “You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.”

About Money

Lack of money can be a source of unhappiness, but having too much of it won’t bring you happiness either. Money only solves financial problems, that’s it.

About Writing

I don’t enjoy writing, but use it as a tool. Maybe you can tell by the frequency here in the blog. Even less I like to write in German, but I haven’t stopped thinking in German. You can probably tell that, too. Writing helps you think, and is perhaps the fastest way to self-discovery. Want to learn about yourself? Write about things that interest you. Writing takes you to places you haven’t been before.

About Success

Success is a journey, not a destination. You gotta figure out what success means to you and set clear goals. Only then can you come up with a plan to get there. I see too many people just wandering through life without direction. Success isn’t luck, it’s hard work.